Wellness Release Time

Release Time

Make Time to Move

Wellness Release Time provides all full-time (40 hours/week), benefits-eligible, Texas A&M employees the opportunity to use 30 minutes of their regular work hours, up to three (3) times a week, to exercise or participate in physical fitness activities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, benefits of physical activity include control of weight, reduced cardiovascular disease, reduced health risk factors, improved mental health and mood, stronger bones and muscles, and increased chances of longer and higher quality of life.

Wellness Release Time affords employees time to focus on physical activity to reap the health benefits which in turns helps Texas A&M University maintain a healthy workforce.


Specifics of the Wellness Release Time arrangement are established between the employee and their immediate supervisor. Employees participating in Wellness Release time will acknowledge their participation on the Wellness Release Time Acknowledgement form, which will be kept in the employee’s personnel file. Wellness Release Time participation will remain in effect as agreed upon by the employee and supervisor until specific circumstances require a reevaluation.