Employee Tuition Assistance

Tuition Assistance

Enriched Education Benefits

Texas A&M University is proud to provide access to high-quality benefits that support your professional and educational goals through Employee Tuition Assistance. The University encourages you to pursue higher education to enrich your lives and help Texas A&M develop the highest quality workforce.


Eligible employees must be admitted as a degree-seeking student to Texas A&M through the Office of Admissions. Tuition assistance benefits for which employees are eligible will reflect as a credit against the fees assessed for the applicable term. No additional application process will be necessary. Employees who receive tuition assistance will be required to adhere to all rules associated with being a student at Texas A&M, including, but not limited to, registering for classes, paying fees, and adhering to all academic rules and deadlines.

Educational Release Time is available to eligible employees who are registered as students to attend classes, with appropriate approval, during their regularly scheduled workday. This program provides employees with more flexibility to further their growth and advancement, enhance their involvement in the life of the University, and to further their education to become a more productive and knowledgeable workforce. Employees should check with their manager or supervisor prior to course registration for classes taken during the workday.

In addition to the employee tuition assistance benefits, Texas A&M University employees may also apply for a fee exemption through Student Business Services.


Employees eligible for the tuition assistance program must meet all of the following criteria:


The Employee Tuition Assistance Program will be processed as a scholarship. Texas A&M University will pay up to $1,000 per class as follows:

If you meet the eligibility criteria, there is no application required and no action needed on your part to receive this funding. Eligible employees are programmatically identified to receive funds for the fall, spring, and/or summer semesters.

The degree evaluation tool is used to determine if a course is part of your program of study.  Assessment of courses counting is run (1) before the start of the semester, (2) before disbursement of financial aid, and (3) through the University census date (the official 12th class day in the long terms and 4th class day in summer terms). You can review which courses are counting by logging into Howdy, selecting the Student Profile icon, and navigating to the Schedule tab under the Curriculum and Courses channel. It is imperative that any changes to the degree evaluation affecting courses that count be made before the census date for the semester. After this point, no further Employee Tuition Assistance will be offered.

Employee Tuition Assistance funding will be posted to your student bill 5 days prior to the first day of class each semester or shortly after enrollment, whichever applies. Eligible employees will be notified via their official Texas A&M University email account that the funding has been awarded. Funding cannot be offered retroactively.


The Employee Tuition Assistance Program is financially supported through central funding from Main campus agency code (part 02)Health Science Center agency code (part 23), or Galveston campus agency code (part 10) based on the employee’s component from which the majority of their salary is sourced. Other Texas A&M agencies are not participating in this program.

To find the agency code in which you are associated with, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Workday at sso.tamus.edu.
  2. Click the Personal Information icon in the Applications section.
  3. Click the About Me link in the View section.
  4. Under the section labeled Supervisory Organization, you will see your administrative location (adloc); the agency code is the first 2 digits of that number (e.g. for an adloc of 02120006, the agency code is 02).

For questions regarding Employee Tuition Assistance Program payments, contact Scholarships & Financial Aid at fellowschol@tamu.edu or (979) 458-5411. For questions regarding admission to Texas A&M, contact the Aggie One Stop at https://aggie.tamu.edu/resources/contact-us or call (979) 847-1787.